Configuring Ghidra for High-Resolution Screens


Issue to be fixed

Ghidra’s GUI can be almost unusable when you have a high-resolution screen.

This guide aims to help you scale up Ghidra’s GUI so that you no longer have to strain your eyes while reversing on a Linux machine.

Scaling up Ghidra’s GUI

  1. Locate the file within Ghidra’s support directory (~ghidra_root/support) on your system. If you are using the REMnux distribution you will be able to find the file at: /opt/ghidra/support/
  2. Open the file with the text editor of your choice and search for the line with the string VMARGS_LINUX=-Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1.
  3. Change the value of the VMARGS_LINUX=-Dsun.java2d.uiScale launch property from 1 to 2.
Example screenshot of how the file should look after updating the VMARGS_LINUX=-Dsun.java2d.uiScale launch property.

